Monday, 4 March 2013

Shevil Israel, Day 7

Monument on the 'Burma Road'.
Eigtheen miles, and no relief for my aching feet.  I also have a pounding headache thanks to the red wine last night - well, I suppose it is appropriate that I should suffer on the road to Jerusalem.  I limp along at around two miles per hour, with breaks the effective speed is rather lower...

I actually feel happier as the trail makes a steep climb of the 620m Mount Orna, endorphins or something I guess.  The route here follows the 'Burma Road' - so named by a British Journalist - which was built during the 1948 war to get supplies to Jerusalem.  Much respect to the volunteers who cut a road through this hilly terrain, I could wish it was a bit less rocky mind you.

On the slopes of Mount Orna.
After a steep descent I reach the martyrs' forest, where six million trees grow in memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.  It is of course impossible to visit this country without contemplating the horrific tragedy these people suffered just before the birth of their nation.  If any man's death diminishes me, how much more so the death of so many?  The number is too large to comprehend, but certainly as a European I feel my continent diminished by the loss of those men, women and children.

Home for the evening.
Well... I keep walking, a gentle climb for six miles or so then a last steep push to Tzova.  Google maps showed a couple of hotels here so it seemed a reasonable place to stop, but I arrive to see a barrier across the road.  The guard speaks no English, so I dig out my phrasebook, and it turns out that yes, there are restaurants, but no, they are shut 'cos it is Shabbat.  Oh well, it's actually nice to retreat to my tent and not have to deal with the real world.  Again, can't be bothered to cook, but I have some remarkably calorific 'savoury cookies' and chocolate left over from lunch, so, all good.

Photos to go with this post can be found here.

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